Sometimes in life, you don't always walk straight, in order to go straight, you need take some turns and corner before coming back.
So, can't your fucking brain think that way? Your just a fucking faggot which thinks like an ant.
Why people join some stupid organisations which don't even benefits you? Only to drain your energy and money. Why can't you just go out there and earn some money.
I will just say, your a fucking pathetic asshole. Organisations are not to be compared with money.
If you don't know what i meant, go try it yourself.
For yourself, if you think everyone is a hypocrite, you yourself will turn into one. So fucking take the corners!
Money money money, all you think is the fucking money.
I know life cannot survive without money, but just tune your brains into money money money, your will turn yourself into a fucking asshole. And your are one right now.
Money is the root of all evil. Don't you fucking understand????
I just wish you were just some mere friends that i can fuck it up.
But fuck it. Your not.
It's been a long time since i'm having this fever feeling..