Thursday, February 28, 2008


It's been weeks and weeks that we hadn't been doing any sports.
Right now, i'll be making a poll up till Sunday to decide whether to have sports or not.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Why Worry?

Today, i am going to share with you a poem which i finds it interesting with you before i go to sleep.

The title is called: Why Worry?

Why Worry?
There are only two things to worry about,
Either you are sick or you are well.
If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about.
But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about,
Either you get well or you die.
If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about.
But if you die, there are only two things to worry about,
Either you go heaven or you go hell.
If you go heaven, then there is nothing to worry about.
But if you go hell,
you'll be so busy shaking hands with old friends,
you won't have time to worry! =)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Facts

I will now, make it briefly, about what is going on the accident day itself which cause two of my brother's life.

What i am going to say here is very different from the newspaper.
Please believe me what i said here, it will be the absolute truth and i hope you guys out there who knows this will spread the words out and justify my friends who's alive right now.

Tien Boon got his license that day and Mervin and David wants to celebrate for him. They asked Han Leng and Jia Chee to join them.

They went for a prata session around that area and after that, they yearn for a spin. This time, Tien Boon was reluctant to go on, while everyone was in the car, Tien Boon told David to off the car.

Previous case when they was in Han Leng's car, it skidded even on corners, Tien Boon knows that this is not the time for such a heavy ride.

Both Mervin and David can't resist the spin and ignores Tien Boon. Jia Chee(Car Owner) who was the driver and Han Leng the front seat left off with their seat belts.

It happens to quickly and Tien Boon was the first to arrive.
He had this bad experience and doubled off with this stupid news report.
I hope to justify him.
Kind souls out there, justify for him too.

He's one of the few that saw my friend died, without able to give a hand to them..
Just imagine it, you will feel the pain.

Friday, February 1, 2008


"It's better they die now."
"They will be in heaven."
"If they were to die normally, they would probably be in hell."
"They're better off dying now, at least they have company.."
"But how are they going to meet? One catholic and the other buddhist. Hmm.."
"I hope it's the same heaven!"
At lease i make someone laughed out of these 'story'. The feelings isn't getting off quickly.. all came quick and off fast.
They were laughing this moment and they are in the coffin at the next moment.
Totally absurd.
Well, good luck in the next life bro!
See you in after life. Take care..
At least, because of you two, our class is getting to meet 3 more days in the next year..
29/1, 30/1 and 7th month.
Don't really come and find us this days.. we'll be freak out! Find us with your normal face at least..heh. assh***.
Oh a little hints for you two, i told boon to buy 2 dog to name you guys over. hahaha! revenge of lucky! .. heh. :`)