Monday, December 10, 2007

1st Day

Jingle Bells Jingle Bells...

Oh oh.. sorry sorry. I was being carried away just now. That was a wonderful melody which is only played during this festive season. Christmas.

Xmas Querade have already commenced for the first day and things aren't smooth then expected. Many are to be improved. Sales not hitting the expected level and in addition to all these, a gloomy storm have clouded over us.

Anyway, things have been said and we'll shall see what will happens tomorrow. Things will get better and better i reckon, with me around of course.. XD .. will eventually commence the true Xmas Querade from the 2nd day. lolol


Presentation COS
Presentation SACP

Well, both went smoothly enough to cover the stress that i'm going through right now. At least, for the moment, i can forget it at least a minute.


She's getting hell lots of stress right now.
Ulcers popping out like popcorn popper.
Stress given by you,
Get out of it.