Imagine that you have to draw something like this picture above from scratch and to add in IP addresses and names for each of them accurately. This was what i did for the whole day. Every little IP addresses and names connected up with the corect routers and switches.
Although things are tough, i am glad i got the chance to do this. It's suitable for someone with the perfection personality which will need you to design the diagrams correctly and pleasant for the eyes. I have to becareful with every little changes i made.
Like the title says, "When small things plays a part". Even a space would make the thing seems so unprofessional. It's like life, when you have to boil water, iron the clothes, dry the clothes etc.. When it seems so unsignificant, it's impact is big.
Therefore, start the small things now! Make it part of you and things will seem smooth sailing ahead with clear blue sky.