Thursday, November 27, 2008

More than words

Have you wondered sometimes when you quarreled with someone, they said something unrelated to the problem but the about the tone you used?

I came to understand, it means alot. By having irregular rhythm with low and high pitches and speed of talking, it all has different meanings.

  1. Anger
  2. Disbelief
  3. Boredom
  4. Sadness
  5. Affection
  6. Satisfaction

It would take a Degree period of time to truly explain what i am going to say. However, i think that to know the person's nature of speaking and to determine the message clearly is not easy but it will help alot.

Therefore, i hope this little guide will allow you to have better communication with others and misunderstandings will decrease. (:

P.S Things to note if you do not want to give the wrong information.

  • Your body language when speaking (Is it contradicting itself?)
  • Your rhythm of speech (To understand will let you know what kind of tone you are giving out)
  • Do not be monotone, it is difficult for the other party to analyze what is going on